Quinoa Pudding
Gluten-free | Refined sugar-free | Dairy-free
Serves 3-4

Why it’s delicious
I will be the first to admit that I’ve never been a huge fan of quinoa, so boy, I was surprised when I tried making a pudding version of the normally savoury served seed.
The texture and the flavour were reminiscent of rice pudding, which is how this dish has quickly become the favourite dessert in our house.
Helpful hints and tips
I serve my quinoa pudding with frozen berries that I leave overnight to defrost in the fridge. The resulting berries are tender without being mushy from cooking. As the berries defrost, they also
Give off a little juice so you can spoon that over your pudding.
The green herb I use on top of the pudding is basil. Before you think I’m a little strange and that basil is a typo, it is not. The basil on top of the pudding was absolutely phenomenal and one of my favourite parts of this dish.
This recipe calls for inulin powder, a soluble fibre derived from plant-based sources. It is a prebiotic, making it a fantastic ingredient for gut health and a healthy alternative to sugar. I use Pure as Inulin Powder, a 100% natural plant-based prebiotic chicory inulin powder to support a healthy digestive system. It also tastes like candy floss! Please check out our online store here to place an order. You can also read more about inulin powder --> here.
This pudding can be served hot or cold.
- 100 g (3.5 oz) quinoa seeds
- 400 ml (13.5 fl oz) coconut milk
- 150 ml (5 fl oz) water
- ½ tsp cinnamon powder
- ½ tsp mixed spice
- 3 tsp Pure as Inulin Powder
- 1 cup mixed berries
- 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil leaves
- Add 350 ml (11.8 fl oz) of the coconut milk (reserving 50 ml (1.7 oz) for serving) along with the water, cinnamon powder and mixed spice to a heavy-bottomed medium-sized saucepan and whisk to combine. Sprinkle over the quinoa and whisk through.
- Place the pot on medium heat and bring the quinoa to a gentle simmer. Stir the quinoa every couple of minutes, and cook the quinoa at that gentle simmer for 20 minutes.
- When the quinoa is cooked, it will have soaked up most of the liquid, and when tried, the quinoa will be tender to the bite.
- Serve the pudding hot or cold along with the berries, a sprinkle of inulin, some of the berry juice, a little of the reserved coconut milk and top with the freshly shredded basil.